WhatsApp Status #11

1. People like you are the reason why we have Middle figures!

2. Dont regret the past,learn from it.

3. Train your mind to see good in everything

4. no general can win his battle alone

5. The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang

6. Never sacrifice 3 things:ua family,ua heart and ua dignity ;)

7. Mind you nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so

8. I'd rather have honest enemies than fake friends

9. Dont let the past hold you back you are missing the good stuf

10. Online by public demand

11. Today's progress depends on yesterday's feedback.

12. Action is the antidote to despair

13. not the best but better than the best

14. Life is Death-Buffering!

15. You can't always get what you want..

16. beautiful things are not always good,..but good things are always beautiful.

17. Maybe some bad actions have good consequences !

18. I dream of a better tomorrow

19. Time is money.. and I've got time enough ;)

20. When you know better you do better.

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